Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Money Time!!!

Isn't it weird that clocks count up and not down? You know, like a timer counting down to your final moment of life? That'd get you out of bed in the morning.

"Wanna go watch Sex and the City 4; Life's a Manhattan?"

I don't think I've got time for that.

"What is the time?"

A quarter to dead. I really should go.

We've decided not to focus our lives on time, the most limited resource we have, but MONEY. Everything we do is dictated by money. Everything, every day. You buy your alarm clock. You have to pay for the hot water. You bought your breakfast cereal and paid for a travel card for the bus. You work to get money, where you purchase your lunch, and get in some over-time for some extra dough. You come home to your rented house, watch a DVD you've hired, then eat some food you've splashed out on before lying down in the bed you bought and thinking about how you're going to get ahead.

This isn't the way it should be.

Money shouldn't be the centre of our universe, our Time should be. And that's why I think we need to use Time as a currency. Lets attach a value to the minute, make it a global currency and let equality be rolled out to the masses.

"I worked for 90 minutes."

"Well done John Terry. Here's £90 for you. And Ng, you did 100 hours stitching Nike's this week, you get £100."

I work 20 minutes a night, I'd probably take a hit for global equality. If the money was good.

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