Yesterday it snowed. It snowed, and London was happy. People talking in the streets, throwing snowballs at each other, generally having a good time. It was perfect.
The last time London was happy, was at Christmas. People chatting in the queue at Iceland, wishing each other seasons greetings, again, generally having a good time.
These two days had something else in common too. That is, the entire city shut down and was unworkable. No public transport. No one working. Businesses shut and free papers not being distributed.
That's how I know London can't work when people are happy. The two cannot co-exist. Like fire and ice. Times New Roman and impressive posters. Cocaine and funny conversations.
I think that London is alot like New York was during Ghostbusters 2. I think there's an ooze that runs the city, flowing deep below the ground, and when people get angry or pissed off, it becomes more powerful and flows thicker and deeper. When people get happy, positive and upbeat it grows weak and shallow.
That's why London needs to be the setting for the new Ghostbusters film. Sure, the premise would be alarmingly similar to the second film, but it would be great to get Bill Murray, Dan Akroyd, and the other two hitting the streets of downtown Penge. It may also give a much needed boost to the film careers of "the other two." And if Rick Moranis isn't available to play the nerdish neighour/sidekick/fifth comedy wheel, we can get Ken Livingstone to look a little more bookish and we're sorted. Same goes for Sigourney Weaver being played by Vinnie Jones.
Or maybe it could just snow more.
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